On Your Radar: Four Fleet Maintenance Trends for 2025
To accurately forecast trends for the coming year, some consideration must be given to the past. In recent years, utility fleet leaders – in addition to their many other responsibilities – have been tasked with safely guiding employees through a pandemic while also trying to stay on top of an ever-increasing number of new vehicles […]

Crafting an Effective Shop Safety Policy
Creating and maintaining a comprehensive shop safety policy is essential for any utility fleet. Both James Kuha, transportation operations supervisor at Central Hudson Gas & Electric (CenHud), and Brian Johnson, fleet engineering and technical services manager at Alabama Power Co., emphasize the importance of a robust safety framework that prioritizes employee well-being and operational efficiency. […]

Best Practices for Developing an In-House Maintenance Policy for EVs
Although some utilities outsource electric vehicle maintenance, those fleet managers exploring the idea of handling it in-house can follow best practices and industry standards to create a comprehensive maintenance policy tailored to the unique needs of EVs. The first step in developing such a policy is to conduct a thorough assessment of the fleet’s specific […]

Extending the Life of Hydraulic Hoses
Hydraulic oil, when confined within the hydraulic system and properly maintained, is nonconductive. However, failure of a hose creates numerous hazards that have the potential to harm personnel and damage equipment. Personnel may suffer burns from contact with hot oil. If the hydraulic line failure creates a mist of oil, it can easily be ignited […]

Maintaining Productivity Amid the Challenge of Extended Lead Times
Fleet managers continue to see some of the longest lead times in decades, with supply and delivery disruptions significantly hampering the industry. Across the board, every size of truck and car and every type of rolling asset has been impacted, according to Matt Gilliland, director of operations and business support for Nebraska Public Power District […]

What to Consider When Coordinating OEM Training Opportunities for Your Shop Technicians
Utility vehicles continually evolve to better meet fleet needs. While these advancements may make life easier for the operator or fleet manager, oftentimes they result in greater complexity for technicians. For this reason, OEMs offer training programs that help in-house shop technicians stay up to date on the latest models. Although OEMs host trainings, lining […]

OEM vs. Aftermarket Parts: What’s Best for Your Operation?
When it comes to purchasing parts, how do fleet professionals decide whether to take the OEM route or explore aftermarket options? UFP recently spoke with Alan Cunningham, superintendent of fleet maintenance for Ameren Illinois, and James Kuha, transportation operations supervisor for Central Hudson Gas & Electric, to gain some insight on how they make these […]

How to Best Deliver In-House Technician Training
Top-notch technicians who are kept up to date on effective maintenance practices and compliance with safety and environmental requirements are the beating heart of any successful truck fleet. That’s even more so with electric utilities, which operate an array of specialized equipment. Finding the best techs to do the best work begins with a fleet’s […]

Establishing and Managing Service-Level Agreements
Service-level agreements (SLAs) are a powerful tool in managing vendor performance for outsourced fleet maintenance. An SLA is a contract that describes expectations for service quality. It may include, for example, guaranteed turnaround time for preventive vehicle maintenance. The fleet manager can bank on an oil change being completed in 72 hours and plan the […]

Retooling Your Shops for EVs
Electric vehicles have been rolling out in more and more utilities as fleets continuously strive to green up their operations. But making the transition from combustion to electric involves more than just getting operators on board. Among other things, it also means making sure shops and technicians are well-equipped to properly service these units. According […]

The State of Fleet Maintenance in 2023
The outlook for fleet maintenance costs and shop operations in 2023 is again influenced by the state of the economy and the supply chain, as well as by the ongoing nationwide tech shortage. To help pinpoint the leading challenges the year ahead poses to utility fleet managers, UFP spoke with Chris Foster, manager of fleet […]

Top Trends in Utility Fleet Maintenance
Inflation is impacting all areas of the utility fleet industry, with a profound impact on maintenance and operating expenses, according to Amanda Kazemba, senior consulting analyst, business intelligence and analytics, for Holman (www.holman.com). “Overall, the cost to repair a vehicle is up approximately 20% as compared to 2020, and fleet operators should expect to see […]

Best Practices for Preventive Maintenance
No matter how you slice it, preventive maintenance is about paying now or paying more later. The real driver of vehicle cost efficiency, as well as safety impacts and even fuel economy, is leveraging PM inspections to deliver the biggest bang for your buck down the road. Getting there requires applying best practices to track, […]

Optimizing Your Shop Schedule
Like many managers, utility fleet professionals face conflicting priorities in managing people and fleet services. Budgets are under fire, so keeping a close eye on labor costs is a top priority. But trucks and other vehicles must be adequately maintained and ready to go to work. It’s up to fleet managers to strike the right […]

Damage Control
Tracking collision damage limits vehicle downtime and repair costs. The larger the fleet, the more complex the repair process and the higher the cost to fix body and frame damage. No one aims to bang up a bucket truck or other fleet equipment, but it does happen. Once damage occurs and is properly reported, the […]

Smoothing the Technician Transition to EVs
Once a utility opts to add electric vehicles to its fleet, the fleet manager must determine not only which vehicles are best suited to the operation, but also how best to smooth the transition in terms of shop equipment and – most importantly – EV training for technicians. Even before EVs rolled onto the scene, […]

Stocking Critical Parts in a Supply Chain Crisis
A semiconductor shortage has crippled production in the automotive sector, forcing many utility fleets to extend the service life of their existing vehicles until new units arrive, whenever that may be. And that could be a problem. That’s because as the global economy emerges from the pandemic, the combination of increased consumer demand and constrained […]

How a Major Utility Fleet Moved to Predictive Maintenance
At first, Entergy’s plan was fairly simple. Chris Morrow, fleet assets superintendent for the New Orleans-based electric utility, said the company knew they wanted to move away from time-based preventive maintenance for their 6,000-unit fleet to a service program that was more usage-based. What they have since discovered is that the power of telematics and […]

PG&E: Data-Driven Shop Operations
In his role as senior director of shared services: transportation for Pacific Gas & Electric Co. (PG&E), Michael Glover is responsible for everything from field operations and strategic planning to purchasing, telematics and information technology systems for the largest and most diverse utility fleet in the U.S. The San Francisco-based utility provides natural gas and […]

Repair Solutions for Common Fiberglass Damage
Maintenance of insulated booms on aerial devices and digger derricks is critical to preserving the integrity of the insulating qualities of the machines. While insulated equipment is required to be dielectrically tested each year, daily and periodic inspections of fiberglass components should be performed as directed by the manufacturer. There are two common types of […]