Grid Capacity Tool Helps Fleet Managers Plan EV Charging Infrastructure
Establishing adequate charging infrastructure for electric vehicles is among the challenges utility fleet managers and their staff must successfully navigate to achieve their organization’s vehicle and equipment electrification goals. The first step is determining whether the organization has the capacity to support its electrification plans; if sufficient capacity does not exist, decisions must be made […]

Dielectric Testing for Insulating Aerial Devices
Insulating aerial devices and digger derricks are used to provide a level of protection to their operators and ground personnel who work around energized power lines. Following established safe work procedures is critical, as is testing and maintaining the equipment so that it continues to provide the insulation users expect. You cannot simply look at […]

EPA Tightens the Screws on Harmful Vehicle Emissions
The race to zero-emission vehicles just got turbocharged. This spring, the U.S. government issued its strictest limits yet on greenhouse gas emissions from medium- and heavy-duty trucks as well as from light-duty vehicles. The new standards are written to further cut back carbon emissions that speed up climate change and airborne pollutants that endanger human […]

The Fleet Department’s Role in Curbing Distracted Driving Incidents
In 2022, 3,308 people were killed in the U.S. as a result of distracted driving. With human life at risk, not to mention the associated financial costs, a focus on reducing distracted driving is a must for fleets. While a utility company’s safety department typically establishes distracted driving policies and training, the fleet department plays […]

Armor Your Connected Fleet with Cybersecurity Measures
Utility fleets are integrating various connected-vehicle technologies that mine data to boost operational efficiency and effectiveness. But leveraging this brave new world of rich data is not without risk. The more connected a utility’s vehicles and facilities – and the more data they generate – the more likely they are to come under cyberattack, which […]

6 Factors to Consider When Spec’ing Onboard Cameras
Onboard cameras can help utility fleets lower litigation risks and offer an extra set of eyes to coach drivers and improve safety. But they can also be a hard sell to many operators – and their unions – who may feel that constant video surveillance infringes on their privacy rights, especially with cab-facing cameras. How […]

Tire Procurement Strategies for Utility Fleets
Con Edison, headquartered in New York, operates a fleet of approximately 8,100 active assets ranging from light- to heavy-duty vehicles, including digger derricks, flush trucks, bucket trucks, tankers, tow trucks, buses and trailers. The utility’s tire procurement decisions are made by an internal tire committee, whose members include engineers from the transportation department as well […]

How to Make the Right Choice: Gas vs. Diesel for Medium-Duty Trucks
Weighing whether to select gasoline versus diesel power for work trucks is enough to make your head spin into another dimension – of choice, that is. Thanks to advances in engine designs and greater availability of gasoline power, there is more than ever to think about when picking a gasoline or diesel option, including deciding […]

Accelerated Development: What’s New in All-Electric Medium- and Heavy-Duty Trucks
As you navigate the opportunities and challenges brought about by fleet electrification, it’s crucial to stay informed about the latest product news. This roundup delves into the latest news in the heavier all-electric truck segment from industry leaders Mack Trucks, Isuzu, Hino, Nikola and Tesla. Consider the impact these electric vehicles might have on your […]

A Roadmap to Autonomous Trucks
A Roadmap to Autonomous Trucks The technology and steps to regulate fully autonomous trucks will evolve bit by bit over the coming years. By David Cullen The road to autonomous trucks is a long and winding one. How it’s navigated will ride on everything from how rapidly the technology advances and how quickly it is […]

Pitfalls to Avoid When Transitioning to a Fleet Management Information System
A fleet management information system (FMIS) is an essential back-office system designed to help fleet managers keep records and generate reports regarding the effective and efficient operation, maintenance, repair and replacement of their fleet assets. But pulling and integrating data from a wide range of sources into a single system can be a daunting task. […]

4 Safety Tech Options to Consider for Aerial Devices and Digger Derricks
As you spec your next round of bucket trucks and digger derricks, what are some safety technologies that may not have been available for your previous orders but are now? UFP spoke with Altec’s (www.altec.com) Michael Newman, digger derrick market manager, and Ryan Hulleman, aerial device market manager, to get their advice. They recommended considering […]

Is the Future of Tires Airless?
Like a lot of technology, airless tires have been two to three years away for the past 15 years. Since 1999, the major tire manufacturers have been developing tires that aren’t inflated with air. At least one of those tires, the Michelin Tweel, has been on the market for some off-road and construction equipment applications. […]

Think Like a Thief to Stop Catalytic Converter Theft
Two factors have contributed to the surge in catalytic converter thefts: the value of the materials in catalytic converters and the increased opportunity for thefts to occur. The costs of three precious metals – platinum, palladium and rhodium – found inside catalytic converters have skyrocketed. According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB), on January […]

On the Road to Self-Driving Trucks
The trek to fully autonomous trucks is a journey in stages driven by partnerships – yet the pace of development is quicker than one might expect. One of the only technological advancements in trucks that sparks as much interest as the rollout of electric vehicles is wondering when fully autonomous trucks will be available. Your […]

Top Trends to Watch in Fleet Technologies
As electric light-duty trucks and vans begin to be delivered to customers, fleet managers are keeping a close eye on emerging technologies that could reshape operations over the next year or two. Battery-electric vehicles are some of the hottest tech to hit the market, especially for utilities that have committed to reducing their greenhouse gas […]

Using Telematics to Drive Fleet Safety Improvements
As director of product strategy and telematics at Element Fleet Management (www.elementfleet.com), Kimberly Clark knows exactly how her utility fleet clients are using telematics to improve safety. In a recent interview with UFP, Clark described a couple of scenarios that have benefited those clients. One – a 4,000-unit energy utility fleet – uses “in-cab feedback […]

Top Trends to Watch in Commercial Truck Tires
As director of strategic alliances for Element Fleet Management (www.elementfleet.com), Kerry Wenthin often hears concerns about tire performance. Ask him what he’s hoping to see in terms of innovation, and it comes down to value. “Longer-lasting and cost-conscious products for the high mileage and demanding usage patterns in the light-truck service and delivery segment will […]

Electric Vehicle Roadblocks to Widespread Fleet Adoption
There’s a ton of press right now about how the future of transportation is all-electric. And all major automakers have signaled with big investments that they’re going all-in on electric vehicles (EVs). But a number of things still need to come together to make electrification practical on a large scale. Plus, fleet managers have valid […]

Fleets Embrace ADAS Technology to Make Drivers Safer
While self-driving utility trucks are still a few years away, advanced driver assistance systems are here now. Most commercial vehicle manufacturers offer ADAS as standard or optional equipment on at least some vehicles, and fleet operators are figuring out how to train and manage drivers using these systems. Commercial trucks offer many of the same […]