John Dolce

John Dolce
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15 Tips for Improving Your Inventory Control
| John Dolce | Management
For some, the term “inventory control” may seem more like an oxymoron than a management practice. If you feel like your inventory is anything but controllable, here are 15 tips to help you better manage the process, thereby creating added success and profitability for your fleet. Tip 1: Implement and Enforce an Inventory Control SystemEvery […]
Fix That Money Drip
| John Dolce | Management
Fleet managers who develop objective, fact-based, data-driven decision-making processes often are successful because they don’t let emotions, irrational estimations or surface-level perceptions factor into their decisions. Unfortunately, when it comes to properly staffing a fleet’s maintenance and repair teams, some managers waste valuable budget dollars by making shoot-from-the-hip decisions without taking time to drill down […]

Driving Toward Discounts: How Telematics is Reshaping the Auto Insurance Marketplace
| John Dolce | Management
Here’s a pop quiz for you: Driver A is a 17-year-old single male who conservatively drives his car a total of 12 miles a week to and from his high school. Driver B is a 52-year-old married female who aggressively drives her car 500 miles a week to and from her late night/early morning job […]
Fleet Telematics: Technology on the Move
| John Dolce | Technology
When it comes to onboard vehicle technologies, it is easy to forget how far we’ve come in such a short period of time. We’ve advanced from rudimentary tachographs and not-always-reliable engine control modules to globally connected, high-tech telematics that provide real-time data and automated maintenance solutions. Before the telematics boom, many of us looked to […]

Struggles and Strategies
| John Dolce | Management
To some, spare vehicles are presumed to be extra units that, for the most part, sit idle and therefore have no real cost associated with them. For the unfortunate fleet managers and end users who believe this, they will inevitably find out how inaccurate they are. A vehicle deteriorates when it sits idle for too […]

Alternative Fuel Options for Fleets
Fleet fueling today is primarily done using gasoline and diesel fuels, which are derived from crude oil and emit carbon dioxide as a byproduct of combustion. For every gallon of gasoline burned, 20 pounds of carbon dioxide are emitted into the air. Diesel emits 22 pounds of carbon dioxide, and propane, the third-most popular world […]

Replace, Rebuild or Repair?
| John Dolce | Management
How do you complete an economic analysis to cost-effectively determine whether to replace, rebuild, repair, sell or scrap vehicles and equipment? How do you ensure that your choice is the right one made at the right time, and that it supports your fleet’s tactical and strategic operating plans? To start, you must assure yourself that […]

Measuring Your Fleet Operation
| John Dolce | Management
In order for us to measure our fleet operation, we need to lay out numbers that illustrate our activity via activity-based costing. This gives us a picture of what is happening in terms of our fleet productivity and resultant profitability. The photo seen below is an excellent example of basic information that doesn’t make sense […]
Modernizing Your Shop: Solution Implementation
In the last issue of Utility Fleet Professional, we looked at what factors affect productivity in your current shop, how to calculate space and technician needs, and the options available to you once you determine you want to upgrade your existing shop or build a new facility. Now it’s time to explore the design and […]
Modernizing Your Shop: Productivity, Space and Technician Considerations
In order to keep up with the evolution of your fleet, it may be time to analyze the layout of your current shop to determine if you need to upgrade the facility or design and build a new facility. To give you an idea of what happens when an organization doesn’t keep up with the […]