NTEA Releases U.S. Commercial Vehicle Market Report
NTEA – The Association for the Work Truck Industry has released the second edition of the U.S. Commercial Vehicle Market Report – Powered by Commercial Truck Trader, NTEA and S&P Global Mobility. This semiannual industry report delves into the details, data and trends around the commercial vehicle life cycle – from chassis sales to truck registration to later stages when used vehicles re-enter the sales market.
The second report was released in March in conjunction with Work Truck Week 2023 during a session on trends impacting the North American commercial vehicle population led by representatives from Commercial Truck Trader, S&P Global Mobility and NTEA.
This second edition of the U.S. Commercial Vehicle Market Report leverages multiple complex data sets to provide an introductory landscape of opportunities, trends and challenges in today’s work truck market. Topics covered include purchasing trends and forecasts by vehicle class; fleet reactions to supply shortages and resulting effects on demand; how recent chassis shortages have impacted inventory levels; the proliferation of electric commercial vehicles; and average vehicle age shifts. www.ntea.com/cvmarketreport