Driving Fleet Value and Performance
“The Electric Utility Fleet Managers Conference is an unparalleled opportunity for fleet professionals,” said Gerald Owens, fleet manager at Oncor Electric Delivery and EUFMC president. “EUFMC offers educational sessions on management topics by industry experts, manufacturers and fleets, and roundtables where fleet managers share best practices and work with suppliers and service providers to address challenges. This conference is a unique forum where fleet managers can exchange ideas and network with suppliers who showcase new technologies and are prepared to discuss technical and operational issues.”
EUFMC continues to attract a record number of attendees. In 2013, more than 100 fleet professionals from about 75 investor-owned electric utilities in the U.S. and Canada came to the conference.
“I knew after attending my first EUFMC in 2009 that this conference would be one that I could not afford to miss each year,” said Chris Wilson, supervisor at Knoxville Utilities Board, Transportation Department. “Having the ability to network with some of the top fleet managers in the country, as well as the informative and detailed display of products presented by manufacturers, has been well worth my attendance. EUFMC is an excellent learning environment, and at the end of each year’s conference I leave with knowledge, real-life solutions, ideas and contacts that have proven to be invaluable.”
“For me professionally and for my company,” stated Dave Fisher, fleet manager at PNM Resources, “EUFMC hits home because it’s relevant for electric utility fleets. Unlike other conferences we’ve attended, everybody at the Electric Utility Fleet Managers Conference is dealing with the same issues, and the exhibits at the show are all focused on the same types of equipment we use. EUFMC is a great place to interact with top utility fleet people from across the nation.”
Driving Fleet Value and Performance
For 2014, EUFMC educational program presentations will include:
• CNG – Hear the facts from utilities and industry experts about their experiences, success and issues regarding the use of CNG in a utility fleet.
• Regulatory Update – Get information on current federal and state regulatory issues affecting utility fleets, and learn how to influence decisions.
• Safety – Hear about the process one utility used to investigate and reduce recordable incidents, and lessons learned.
• Managing Driver Performance and Vehicle Information – Get expert advice on the risks and advantages of telematics and other onboard systems.
• Vehicle Electrification – Utility executives explain their position on vehicle electrification.
• How Do You Do It? – A panel of utility fleet professionals provides insight on a variety of current, relevant topics, including technician recruiting and training, sourcing parts, fuel cost reduction and more. Presenters on the agenda include Gregg Doeden of Arizona Public Service, Dave Fisher of PNM Resources and Diana Weaver of American Electric Power.
• Tires: Minimizing Failures and Managing Cost – Fleet managers and manufacturers discuss minimizing tire costs with successful management programs and advancements in tire technology, tire pressure monitoring and failure analysis.
Featured Speakers
Werner J. Schweiger, electric distribution president at Northeast Utilities, will offer valuable insights to EUFMC attendees based on 30 years of utility industry experience. Currently, Schweiger is responsible for overall operations at Northeast Utilities’ four electric operating companies that deliver electricity to more than 3 million customers in 525 cities and towns in Connecticut, Massachusetts and New Hampshire.
Previously, Schweiger served at NSTAR as president of NSTAR Electric, where he was responsible for distribution, engineering and investment planning across a system serving 1.1 million customers, and as senior vice president of operations with responsibility for electric and gas operations, engineering, metering, fleet, training and investment planning. Earlier in his career, Schweiger held positions at Long Island Lighting Co. and KeySpan Corp.
Bonnie St. John, who has been called one of the five most inspiring women in America by “NBC Nightly News,” will bring her message of success to the 2014 EUFMC. St. John is a highly successful Paralympics athlete, best-selling author, television and radio personality, business owner and consultant to senior Fortune 500 business executives.
Today, St. John travels the globe speaking and leading seminars for corporate clients, and researching writing projects. She frequently donates personal appearances to schools, homeless shelters, community groups and other organizations. St. John is also the author of six books.
Supplier Support
EUFMC is supported by suppliers who take part in a drive-through utility equipment demonstration and an exhibition of more than 60 displays of the latest equipment and services for utility fleets. In 2013, 250-plus representatives from more than 95 manufacturers and service providers were in attendance.
“Preco Electronics Inc. has been attending EUFMC for a number of years,” said Peter Evans, vice president at Preco Electronics. “The unique format of the event creates the perfect atmosphere for sharing ideas and building strong business relationships that continue long after the last day of the conference.”
“Equipment Technology has been a proud sponsor of the Electric Utility Fleet Managers Conference for many years,” added Chris Neuberger, president of Equipment Technology. “ETI believes strongly in the value of the conference as it provides an environment to dialogue and work collaboratively toward industry solutions.”
At EUFMC 2014, the International Fluid Power Society will present its range of hydraulic and pneumatic certifications and membership and education offerings for utility fleets and equipment manufacturers. Included is the IFPS Mobile Hydraulic Mechanic certification, a third-party assessment of an individual technician’s skill level. Also offered by the organization are membership programs for individuals and corporations, and online and on-site education through a network of service providers.
Excellent Opportunity
“EUFMC is one of the best conferences,” said Marvin Snyder, manager of operations at Adams Electric Cooperative. “The exchange of ideas, the viewing of new equipment and technology, and meeting vendors and other fleet managers are excellent opportunities that occur as a result of attending. The roundtable discussions are also very informative. Adams Electric Cooperative is relatively small compared to the larger utilities in attendance, but we have most of the same issues, so listening to others is very helpful and gives us insights on solutions.”
“EUFMC is one of the only conferences that I go to annually,” said Pat Procaccini, manager of transportation and equipment at PSE&G. “The topics that are presented are always timely and the information provided is extremely useful. This conference also provides adequate time to network with other fleet professionals. I continue to reach out to the professionals that I meet during the conference on a regular basis to leverage their vast combined experience to help better my organization, and to share my experiences.”
For more than 60 years, EUFMC has lived up to its objectives, which include providing educational and technical information in a forum where utility fleet professionals can exchange ideas, and promoting cooperation between manufacturers and service suppliers and fleet executives.
Future EUFMC meeting dates are May 31-June 3, 2015, and June 5-8, 2016. For more information, visit www.eufmc.com.
About the Author: Seth Skydel has more than 28 years of truck- and automotive-related publication experience. In his career, he has held editorial roles at numerous national business-to-business publications focusing on fleet and transportation management, vehicle and information technology, and industry trends and issues.