Ditch Witch RT80 Quad
The Charles Machine Works Inc.’s Ditch Witch RT80 Quad heavy-duty ride-on trencher is an exceptionally powerful, durable and rugged product providing outstanding traction and performance on rough and uneven terrain. The RT80 Quad features a three-speed, shift-on-the-fly ground drive that provides the power necessary to tackle any job site with the machine’s vibratory plow, traversing trencher, saw and backhoe attachments. The 83-HP RT80 Quad is equipped with a heavy-duty undercarriage and components to allow utility installation in some of the toughest job site conditions. Its axle capacity offers a best-in-class static load rating of 39,000 pounds and a best-in-class 30,742 pounds of breakout. The machine’s track frames pivot about the centerline of the axle, a design that provides exceptional machine stability, especially in muddy conditions or when applying very high torque to pull through hard ground. And the chevron-pattern design of the RT80 Quad’s track system helps reduce mud buildup, resulting in improved traction in wet conditions and on slopes. The heavy-duty nature of the RT80 Quad extends to its attachments and other working parts. In field tests, the rugged and durable H832 plow attachment outperformed the competition three to one, and the heavy-duty H810 centerline trencher is capable of trenching up to 24 inches wide. The machine’s backfill blade arm, much heavier than that of the competition, helps provide maximum lift. Other standard features of the RT80 Quad include rear steering, which helps improve maneuverability on tight job sites, and cruise control, which enables the operator to maintain optimal digging performance regardless of ground conditions. www.ditchwitch.com