A Look into EUFMC’s 70th Anniversary
With more than 160 fleet representatives from electric utilities, contractors, co-ops and municipal operations, including over 50 new members and eight new companies, EUFMC 2023 set a new attendance record. At the annual conference as well were more than 350 supplier representatives from about 100 companies that offer vehicles, equipment, products and services to fleets operating utility equipment.
Gathering in Williamsburg, Virginia to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the EUFMC, attendees were joined by 11 retirees, among them eight past presidents who served since 2004. The 2023 conference also marked the 30th anniversary for Ann Brown-Hailey, Director of Administration.
“EUFMC has many long-time attendees and has grown consistently over the years as it continues to attract new fleet professionals and new companies operating utility equipment,” said EUFMC President Dave Meisel, Quanta Services. “The ongoing success of this conference is due to its premier educational program and the opportunity for fleet professionals to exchange information through close cooperation with each other and suppliers. With the unwavering support of our sponsors, we expect EUFMC to continue to grow and serve the industry.”
For more information visit eufmc.com