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GPSTrackIt Acceleration, Braking and Seat Belt Alerts

Written by Erica Burke on . Posted in .

New alerts available in GPSTrackIt’s Fleet Manager application offer added monitoring capabilities to their already extensive suite of event, location and maintenance alerts. Users are now able to monitor three additional parameters that enhance driver safety. Two of the new alerts relate to driving behaviors. The first, Rapid Acceleration, sends alerts to designated recipients when the vehicle accelerates aggressively. Rapid acceleration is harder on engines and has been shown to result in increased fuel consumption. The Hard Brake alert notifies responders of instances in which the vehicle rapidly decelerates. Rapid deceleration means greater wear on brakes. As a driving behavior, it is a potential indicator of a driver following too closely or of distracted driving. Both the Rapid Acceleration and Hard Brake data is now included in the Fleet Manager system’s Detailed Report, enabling fleet managers to educate drivers on these undesirable and potentially dangerous driving behaviors.